Titameg + John Jr. Favell
My 6th Great Grandmother was Titameg Whitefish (Savagasse) born about 1750 in Swampy Cree Indian Settlement, York Factory, Rupertsland. She died around 1825 in Brandon House, Rupertsland.
Titameg married John Jr Favell my 6th Great Grandfather.
John Jr Favell was born about 1740 in Southwark, London, England; died November 02, 1784 in Henley House, Albany District, Rupertsland.

From the HBC Archives:
John Favell entered HBC service in 1754 and served in the following capacities:
Outfit year / Position / Post / District Reference
- 1754-1960 / Writer / Albany
- 1760-1761 / Writer / Moose Factory
- 1761-1769 / 2nd Accountant / Moose Factory
- 1769-1770 / on leave / on leave
- 1770-1774 / Second / Albany
- 1774-1779 / Second / Albany
- 1774-1779 / Master / Henley House Albany
- 1779-1784 / Deputy / Albany
- 1784, Nov 2, Died at Albany
In a letter written by Edward Jarvis to John Thomas, Chief at Moose Fort, on Dec 15, 1784, John Favell’s death is described:
“Poor Mr. Favell departed this life on 2nd November without scarce any previous sickness – he was seized with a fit the lst to which he had been much accustomed of late years and a repetition of it on the 2nd as he was going out, carried him off in less than one minute, he little expected his dissolution being anxious for Tenting out, for which he was preparing.” (Moose Fort Journals 1783-85, page 253)
From Red River Ancestry.ca
John Jr. FAVEL was born around 1740 at Southwark, London, England.
In 1754 John FAVEL (age 14) came to Fort Albany on James Bay as a young clerk for the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC). During his career, his positions included Writer, Second Accountant, Second in Command, Master and finally Deputy).
It is difficult to be sure just when John began his lifelong relationship with TITAMEG, a mere teenager in 1769; John was about 25-26 years old. It seems likely that it was before he departed to England in 1769. TITAMEG or “Whitefish”, a Cree woman, was born about 1755 in the Swampy Cree Indian Settlement at York Factory.
In 1770 John returned to the Bay to resume as Second Factor at Fort Albany, where he would remain for the rest of his life.
John served as 2nd Factor at Fort Albany until his death on Nov 2, 1784 at Henley House (he was in his 30th year of HBC service). Shortly before he died, he drew up a Will which provided an annuity for his Indian wife TITAMEG and their four children who at that time were Jane (age 14), Humphrey (13), Mary (10) and Thomas (age 5).

Margaret Clarke Research – Canada Tree Newsletter
“In answer to my article and query on the Favells, Eleanor Anderson sent in the following article.”
“John Favell, Jr. was probably about 18 0r 20 when he came out. He worked at Moose Factory for about 8 years, learning all about the fur trade. In 1762 he was experienced enough to be appointed Chief Factor at Fort Albany. He worked there for several years and in 1769 he returned to England to visit with his family. The following year he returned as second factor at Fort Albany. A couple of times he was sent inland on the Albany River, about a hundred miles, where they established Fort Henley. This was an attempt [by HBC] to compete with the North West Company who were moving inland over the Great Lakes system and through the Winnipeg River system to the Prairies. Up until that time, the HBC had sat in their forts on the Bay and let the Indians come to them with their furs.
During this time he married a Cree Indian woman named Titameg (which Raymond Buarmont tells me means “Whitefish”.ed). He had four children with her, two boys, Humphrey and Thomas and two girls, Jane and Mary. Mary married John McKay and they had many children and many descendants. Nothing has been traced about Jane. Perhaps she died young. Humphrey married an Indian girl named Jenny, and Thomas married a native girl named Sally Trout.“
The York Factory Indian Band is located on the Aiken River at the southern part of Split Lake about 106 air km from Thompson and covers 2390 acres. Since band lands and activities are affected by the Lake Winnipeg Regulation and the Churchill River Diversion, they are party to the Northern Flood Agreement. The band is signatory to the 1910 adhesion to Treaty 5 and its people speak the Cree language.
The reserve is home to 292 aboriginal people with another 384 living off the reserve and is accessible by winter road, air and water. The community obtains water from the Aiken River and utilizes pit privies and septic fields for sewage disposal. The band has limited fire protection and employs one band constable receiving assistance from the RCMP detachment in Thompson. Some health care is provided on the reserve with the nearest hospital being located in Thompson. On-reserve facilities include a band office, a community hall, and recreation facilities.
Economic activities include trapping, hunting, air service, stores, a gas bar, and a camp.
Children of John Favell and Titameg are:
- Jane Favell, born Abt. 1770; died Unknown; married John Richards??
- Humphrey Martin Favell, born 1771 in Rupert’s Land = NWT = MB, CAN; died Bef. September 27, 1850 in St Andrew’s, Red River Settlement; married Jane or Jenny Indian in Rupert’s Land = NWT = MB, CAN; born Bet. 1765 – 1775 in Rupert’s Land = NWT = MB, CAN; died Unknown in NWT.
- Mary Favell, born Abt. 1775 in Henley House, Rupert’s Land; died March 19, 1810 in Brandon House, NWT; married John McKay Abt. 1791 in Manitoba, Canada; born 1753 in Clyne, Sutherlandshire, Scotland; died July 05, 1810 in Brandon House, Rupert’s Land.
- Thomas Favell, born 1779 in Ruperts Land; died August 12, 1848 in St. Andrews, RRS=MB, CAN; married Sarah Trout January 21, 1821 in St. Johns, Beaver Creek, NWT = MB, CAN.
Note: Thomas Favell is my 5th Great Grandfather.
John Favell Junior – His Will
I John Favell Junior second factor of Albany Fort being infirm in body, but in perfect health of mind do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in from following that is to say I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be interred at the discretion of my Executor and touching such earthly estates which it has pleased God to bless me with I will and bequeath in the following manner and form ———-
I bequeath to my Honored Father Mr. John Favell, slop seller, Tooley Street in the Borough of Southworth the sum of one hundred pounds sterling. Also to Nelly Pearson late servant to my above said Honored Father, the sum of four hundred pounds sterling to her or in case of her death to her Son’s Executors or Assigns. Then I bequeath to Mr. John Kipling Master of Gloucester House my feather bed.
Also to Mr. John Best builder of Henley House my looking glass liquor case and hanger and will that the remainder of my effects be sold by public auction the money arising from the said to be applied in purchasing goods from the Company’s warehouse for the immediate maintenance of my four natural children Jane Favell now at Moose Fort Humphrey Martin Favell now with Mary and Thomas and their mother commonly called Titameg share and share alike.
Then I bequeath to Mr. Thomas Hutchins late chief of Albany Fort the sum of three hundred pounds sterling on consideration he pays the undermentioned annuities into the Honorable Hudson Bay Company’s hands during the lives of the said annuitants. Viz: four pounds sterling per annum during the life of Humphrey Martin Favell four pounds sterling per annum during the life of Thomas Favell two pounds ten shillings per annum during the life of Jane Favell two pounds ten shillings per annum during the life of Mary Favell and two pounds ten shillings during the life of their mother the said annuities to commence one year after my decease and _____ Annuity to ________ and _______ with the lives of the respective persons above mentioned upon the chief of Albany Fort for the ______ being certifying to the said Company the death of the said.
Annuitants the above sums of money to be applied in purchasing from the Company’s warehouse such articles as may be necessary to their support at the discretion of the Chief and I request the Honorable
Company will permit this part of my Will to be put in execution.
Now I bequeath to my Honored Aunts Mrs. Hannah Bun and Elizabeth Bun the sum of forty pounds sterling each and to each of their Daughters the sum of twenty pounds sterling. Also to my worthy friend Mr. Humphrey Martin the sum of fifty pounds sterling or in case of his decease to his son John Aurira Martin. Also to Mr. Edward Jarvis Chief of Albany Fort the sum of forty pounds sterling.
Also to Benjamin Whayman in consideration of his long service, age and misfortune with the sume of forty pounds sterling. Also to Mr, Robert Goodwin Surgeon the sum of ten guineas sterling. Also to George Sutherland the sum of five guineas sterling. Also to Mr. John McNab the sum of three guineas.
Now I bequeath the remaining sums of money that may be in my father John Favell and the Hudson Bay Company’s lands to my brother Samuel Favell and it is my Will in case of the death of any of the said legacies their respective legacies to revert to my brother Samuel Favell excepting those respective of Nellie Parson Mr. Thomas Hutchins and Mr. Humphrey Martin.
And I hereby appoint Mr. Thomas Hutchins aforesaid late Chief of Albany Fort the sole Executor of this my last will and Testament revoking all others heretofore made by me. And it my desire that the aforesaid legacies and bequests be discharged in twelve months or as soon as possible after my decease.
In witness wherefore I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. John Favell.
Signed Sealed published and pronounced by the said John Favell as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us in his presence and the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names. ___ of mind and appoint Thomas Phillips Matther and William Cooper.
Will was proved at London the eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five before the Worshipful William _____Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the right Worshipful Peter Calvert also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or commissary of the ___ Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Thomas Hutchins Esquire sole Executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattel and credits of the deceased let leaving being first sworn duly to administer.”
Reference Links:
- https://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/archives/_docs/hbca/biographical/f/favell_john-jr.pdf
- https://www.redriverancestry.ca/FAVEL-JOHN-1740.php