Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.

This is the business card of my grandfather J. Doduk from the 1960’s for his company called Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. My grandfather J. Doduk was a tailor.
Originally my grandfather, John started out working in Vancouver as a tailor for HBC, also known as Hudson’s Bay Company in Vancouver.
My grandparents had met in Saskatchewan. But by the late mid-1940’s they were in Vancouver BC.
1946 – Tailor HBC
When they settled in Vancouver my grandfather J Doduk (known as Joe or Joseph or John) and my grandmother Walburga lived at 1932 Lakewood Drive in East Vancouver area.
This is a directory listing from 1946, which notes my grandfather as a Tailor for HBC and my grandmother as a seamstress for Bests Ltd.

1947 – Tailor HBC
In this directory listing from 1947, you can see my grandparents are still residing at 1932 Lakewood Drive in East Vancouver area. My father was born in 1947.

1948 – Manager Western Pant Co.
In this directory listing from 1948, you can see my grandparents are still residing at 1932 Lakewood Drive but now listing my grandfather as a Manager of Western Pant Co. I think this might have been the first business name my grandfather intended to use.

The Western Pant Co. was listed at 445 Richards Street in Vancouver in 1946 with my grandfather listed as the manager.

However, in
I located a listing for May 1948 that notes the registration of the new company Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
1949 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
From An ad from May 5th, 1949:

In this directory listing from 1949, you can see my grandparents are still residing at 1932 Lakewood Drive but now listing my grandfather as a President of Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.

1950 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
In this directory listing from 1950, you can see my grandparents have moved to 791 West King Edward, in Vancouver and is listed as President of Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.

1951 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. via the 1951 Census of Firm Name List for British Columbia document, notes the business was located in Vancouver and employed 29 people.

The family is still listed at 791 West King Edward, which will be the family’s home until 1997.

1952 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. via the 1952 List of Establishments Volume V Province of BC document from the Government of Canada and their Dominion Bureau of Statistics, notes the business was located on Granville Street and by that time employed 29 people.

Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. listed as part of Tailor Union Local 178. in this 1952 record from the Department of Labour list titled Correspondence concerning Conciliation proceedings, 1952.

By this time my grandfather’s younger brother Alexander Doduk has come from Stojanow, Ukraine (Poland) to join the business and is residing with the family at 791 West King Edward.

1953 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
The Directory listings for 1954 shows them still at the family home.

From An ad from February 17, 1953:

1954 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
The family directory listing from 1954:

May 9th 1955 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. Fire
Located in
On May 9th, 1955 there was a fire at the 556 Granville Street location of Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. There were 30 people working for my grandfather at that location. The fire in the 3rd floor, also damaged several other businesses.

The fire on May 9th, 1955 was investigated and found to be set on purpose by the accountant – hired 3 months prior. In September 1955 the accountant was found guilty, and in October 1995 was sentenced to 2 years for the fire.

Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. via the 1955 Textiles Industry document listing Firms Manufacturing Men’s Factory Clothing, from the Government of Canada and their Dominion Bureau of Statistics, notes the business was then located at 367 Water Street.
367 Water Street is the Kelly Douglas Building. It is a historical building in Vancouver.
367 Water Street is the location the company rented after the fire in May 1955.

1955 – 1960 : Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
From An ad from August 1st 1957:

From An ad from October 5th 1955:

In 1958 Textiles Industry document listing Firms Manufacturing Men’s Factory Clothing, from the Government of Canada and their Dominion Bureau of Statistics, notes – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. the business was still located at 367 Water Street – which was part of HBC.

From An ad from April 10th 1959:

From An ad from January 25th, 1960:

From An ad from September 13th, 1961:

1963 to 1969 – Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd.
Before John Doduk retired in 1969, he actually owed the building located at 300 Water Street in Gastown, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The business card at the top of the post is from this time period.
It was a massive clothing operation, with major machines for cutting fabric and machining suits.
300 Water Street was once know as The Regina Hotel and opened in 1886. Then it was the Edward Hotel. Eventually it became various importers, and then from 1963 to 1969 my grandfather owned the building and ran his Pacific Clothing Co. Ltd. out the location.
I found this document in the Vancouver Archives.

My grandfather, J. Doduk retired in 1969. The year my brother was born.
My grandfather died in 1973. The year I was born.
This is a Vancouver Archive image from 1969 of the Ye Olde Fabric Bin Ltd. that moved in after my grandfather sold the place.

300 Water Street is now the Water Street Cafe since 1988.
Ghosts of Vancouver note an incident at the location.

Updated March 28, 2024