Louison Fleury + Josephte Vandal
My 5th Great Grandfather Louison Fleury was born about 1782 in Ville Marie, Quebec. He died September 22, 1847 in St Francois Xavier, RRS, NWT = MB, CAN.
He was the son of Francois Fleury and Marie Anne dit Lemire Gaucher.
Louison Fleury married Josephte (Gros Ventre) Belly * Vandal who was born 1799. She was the daughter of Antoine Vandal and Angelique Big Belly Cree Woman.

From: Buffalo Trails and Tales, newsletter of the Metis Resource Centre, Suite 506, 63 Albert St, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Vol XXIII, Feb 2000
“In the presence of the Notaries of the Province of Lower Canada, in Montreal, there resident, undersign; being present Louis Fleurie de Maskinengé [who lives below] the church with his father Francois Fleurie, voluntary enlists and enlists in the presence of Misters (sic) William McGillvary (sic), Archibald Norman McLeod, Thomas Thain, John McTavish and Henry Mackenzie of Montreal, Principals and Associates, under the name of McTavish, McGillivarys and Company.
The signer of the contract being present accepts at their request, departure from Montreal, in the duty of Oarsmen (sic) in one of our canoes, to make the voyage, and to winter during three consecutive years in the service of the North-West Territories of Upper Canada.
Pass by Michilimakinac, if it is required, work six days of statute labour [one week], make two voyages to Fort William to Portage de la Montagne, or in place of work six days a week in other work [at the] option [of] the foreman, help in portaging canoes [three man canoes] in the voyage, to take good care during the trip, and to deliver the merchandise, provisions, pelts, utilities and all things necessary for the trip; serve, obey and execute sincerely, all the instructions of Master Bourgeois and his representatives; to conduct the work with honesty; to make profit; avoid damage to the goods, and to generally conduct oneself in manner proper to a good employee, not to do any damaging act; not to be absent; not to quit under the penalty of lost wages. This contract thus made is for the sum of Seven Hundred pounds, the currency of this province, that promises and is obliged to pay the sum to the contractee one month after this return to Montreal, and have for his equipment, one blanker of three points, one blanket of two and one half points, six aune of cotton, one pair of leather boots and one leather collar, for the first year and the security and the conditions of the post where he will winter for the others.
Having recognized that I have received an advance of the amount of 12 pounds. He agrees to contribute 1% of his wages for the Voyageur Fund.
Written and agreed in Montreal, by the instructions of the Notaries undersigned in the year Eighteen 18, the 2nd of May, and have signed, with exception of the contractee, who after reading the document, will sign the document.”
- An ‘aune’, meaning the weight or density of the cloth, is an old French term. The English term is ‘ell’, an old measure equal to 45 inches.
- The Voyageur Fund was an insurance policy(?) on the contractee’s life – if he died while in service, the company was to pay his family a set amount.
- For blankets, one point apparently equalled one quality beaver pelt.
Children of Louison Fleury and Josephte Vandal are:
- Louis Fleury, born 1818 in St Francois Xavier, RRS; married Marguerite Trottier; born 1825 in NWT.
- Antoine Fleury, born Abt. 1825; died Unknown; married Betsy * Wilkie; born Abt. 1827; died Unknown.
- Marie Fleury, born March 20, 1825 in St Boniface, RRS = MB, CAN; died Unknown; married William (Guillaime) Pritchard February 25, 1840 in St Francois Xavier, RRS = MB, CAN.
- Joseph Fleury, born 1829 in RRS; died Unknown; married (1) Madeleine Piche; born 1839 in RRS; died Unknown; married (2) Mary Thorn; born 1837.
- Suzanne Fleury, born 1833 in St Francois Xavier, RRS, NWT = MB, CAN; died Unknown; married Louis (Louison) Sayer January 22, 1850 in St Francois Xavier Parish Church, RRS; born 1826 in St Francois Xavier, RRS, NWT = MB, CAN; died 1896.
- Josephte Fleury, born 1839 in NWT; died Unknown; married Jean-Baptiste Desjarlais July 06, 1857 in St Francis Xavier, RRS; born 1832 in St Francois Xavier, RRS; died Unknown.
- Patrice-Joseph Fleury, born October 14, 1848; died Unknown; married Agathe Wilkie; born November 1844; died Unknown.
- Edouard Fleury, born November 15, 1848; married Melanie Morand; born 1849 in St Francois Xavier, RRS.
My 4th Great Grandmother is Marie Fleury.
Reference Links:
- National Archives of Canada Scrip records
- Buffalo Trails and Tales, newsletter of the Metis Resource Centre, Suite 506, 63 Albert St, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Vol XXIII, Feb 2000