Gottlieb Klotz 1876 – 1952
This is where my approximately 17% German DNA comes from.
The Klotz family tree has been traced back to 1500s in Lippstadt, Westphalia, Germany.
Joseph Klotz – My 3rd Great Grandfather – was born about 1807 in Mariental, Liebental, Russia – it is what we currently know as Odessa area in the Ukraine.
The Grosssliebental District in Russia (aka Odessa, Ukraine) was the land commonly referred to as the area of the Black Sea Germans.
Farmers from Germanic districts of the Russian empire were moved to the rich farming land of the Black Sea. Mariental (today Marianivka / Мар’янівка) established in 1803 was founded by Catholics from Alsace, Germany.
- Research information: Klotz, Gottlieb @

Born in Russia
2nd Great Grandparents – were George Klotz (Jan 14, 1843-1929) born in Marienthal, Grossliebental, Russia – Georg immigrated with the family to South Dakota, USA and died in Dec 27, 1929 in Selz, Pierce, North Dakota, USA.
Married Mary Eva Gisi (Dec 25, 1847) and she died Dec 17, 1903, Hillsview, McPherson, South Dakota.
Coming to America
My Great Grandfather Gottlieb Klotz (my father’s mother’s father) was born 6 May 1876 in Marienthal, Grossliebental, Russia.
Sometime around 1886 the entire Klotz family leave the Odessa farms and move to South Dakota area of the United States of America.
Gottlieb would have been 10 when they became Americans.
There is notes in the Saskatchewan files, that Gottlieb Klotz owned a Homestead in South Dakoka.
Saskatchewan Homesteads 1903 – 1948
By 1903 – Gottlieb Klotz lived in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is married to Regina Volk.
The first homestead Gottlieb Klotz owned was the one located at NE 6-38-18-W2. He filed the application for entry on the homestead June 16, 1903.
- Son Joseph was born May 24, 1903 in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Son Anton was born on September 6th, 1904 in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Son Frank was born on January 14, 1906 in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Daughter Barbara was born in July 19, 1907 in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada
Gottlieb Klotz lived in Reward near Unity, Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1909.
The Homestead was N 3-39-24-W3. He filed the application for entry August 12, 1909 (and the application for patent October 26, 1913.)
Then Gottlieb Klotz obtained was NW 13-39-24-W3. He filed the application for entry November 17, 1909 (and the application for patent on June 13, 1914.) The Homestead located near NEW UFFORD, Saskatchewan (N 13-39-24-W3) detailed that this property was used as farm land, and the family didn’t reside here.
Details of the Homestead located near REWARD + UNITY, Saskatchewan (N 3-39-24-W3) – the land was purchased by South African Volunteer Bounty Land Certificate from a widow.
I believe this was their final home.
- Daughter Eva was born in 1911 in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Daughter Paulina was born in 1913 in Watson, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Daughter Philippina was born on April 24, 1914
- Daughter Alisia Magdalena was born on November 7, 1917
- Daughter Walburga Magdalena was born on May 29, 1919 (My grandmother)
- Daughter Regina was born September 18, 1921 (Died October 6, 1921)
- Daughter Regina M was born April 12, 1923 (Died April 6, 1947)
- Daughter Anna M was born July 30, 1925 (Died Feb 3, 1926)

My grandmother Walburga Klotz is born on the farm in Saskatchewan May 29, 1919.

- George Klotz (My Great-Great Grandfather) dies the 27th of December, 1929 in Selz, Pierce, North Dakota, USA
I suspect my grandpa John Doduk and Walburga Klotz met through farming.
John Doduk arrives in Canada in 1928 and moves to the prairies to farm. Some time in the early 1940s I suppose they met – given their ages.
By 1946 John and Wally are all ready living in Vancouver (as a married couple) and working as a tailor and a seamstress for HBC. My grandmother is almost 28 years old when my dad is born in 1947.
- Regina Volk (Gottlieb’s wife) died on June 21, 1947, when she was 66 years old.
Gottlieb Klotz retired in 1948 and he moves to Vancouver.
Gottlieb Klotz moves to Vancouver, British Columbia.
He then purchases 791 West King Edward, in Vancouver in 1951.
On May 6th of 1952 he passes away at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver at the age of 76.

Gottlieb was buried in Denzil, Saskatchewan at St. John’s Cemetery.
His daughter Walburga and her husband John Doduk moved into the home at 791 West King Edward. (These are my grandparents.)
I thanks to the Klotz family for providing me with the tree information.
Updated August 26th, 2024